Category: Uncategorized


All I hear about is this Ned.  Ned is the most popular in my world. Everyone wants him. He is the talk of the floor. I get it. He offers a way out. He will set you free. I have yet to meet this Ned. I only know this Ned. Ned Flanders. This is the […]

Round 5

His eyelashes are almost gone.  I guess it falls under the “expected.” It’s hard to watch though. His face looks naked without them and the few stragglers just call attention to what was once there. Round five finally got his superpower.  Round five lives up to its name. Chemo is cumulative and Jacob is having […]

Q1: Describe a significant experience that has happened in the past year…

That was day 1 of 10Q. I’m a bit late… It’s been busy. One hospital visit, but lots of good too. And maybe the hospital visit was a good thing. Who knows!! URG! The complexities! Never simple in this life. If only you could see the other side of the fork in the road to […]